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Shop update 14.01.2018

Time for the first yarn update of the year 2018 🙂

In this update most colorways were dyed on Siberian Pearl 400 and Amber 360. Most of these colorways are part of new set “Across the Universe” that is being created in connection with lace shawl series designed by Anna Victoria from “By the Lily Pond”. As my inspirations for these colroways I mostly used images made by HUBBLE 🙂 I will be adding them into the Pinterest bord along with colorways.

The update will happen today, on Sunday January 14, at 18:00 GMT.

It is a big update so I expect that I may need about 2 weeks to ship all the packages (as usual, they’ll be sent in the same order as orders are placed). With New Year behind us I hope shipping time will be getting closer to normal, but delays might still happen.

Here are the colorways: